Women are a very vulnerable people group. Women face many challenges in their marriages and raising their children. Most times, the burden of looking after the family lies on them while the men resort to drinking and other women. Most women are infected due to the promiscuity of their husbands. These women carry out small farming projects to cater for the food to eat at home and sell off a small portion to meet other needs like educational materials for their children, salt, paraffin, and sugar. Others are in abusive and violent relationships and have no one to help. With the above among other reasons, Maisha Holistic Africa Foundation will do the following to help and support women

  • Supporting women’s health through programs tackling maternal health, pregnancy, HIV/AIDs, cervical cancer, among others
  • Women’s economic empowerment projects like crafts (paper beads, baskets, mats, among others) and Village Savings groups
  • Agricultural support by providing training, input, improved seeds, and marketing of their products
  • Supporting women in crisis pregnancies
  • Provision of proper nutrition for pregnant women through distribution of free nutritious food supplements
  • Reducing of domestic violence through awareness, prevention through dialogue, and legal action where possible.
  • Free counseling services to traumatized women affected by depression, anxiety, fear, and anger
  • Empowerment workshops on financial management, marketing, entrepreneurship, positive & big thinking, spiritual nourishment, conflict management, relaxation, and well-being, among others
  • Shelter: through our center, we shall give homeless pregnant women temporary shelter during their pregnancy and up to three months after delivery.
  • HIV/AIDs testing, counseling, awareness, and prevention programs
  • Provision of free ARVs for HIV-infected women
  • Conflict Resolution support to battered and abused women
  • Sharing with them the love of Christ and the fear of God and distribution of Bibles and Christian materials