Donate a well
Today, there are still 21 million people living without access to clean water in Uganda, including children like Grace…
Grace is 11-years old. Every day, she wakes up at 5am and starts walking to collect water for her family. After an hour, she reaches a contaminated stream where she fills a 10-litre jerrycan.
The water is filthy. It is full of animal waste, rubbish and even frogs. On one side, cattle are drinking from it, on the other side, people are bathing in it. When the Fields of Life team met Grace by the stream, she shared:
“My family and I use this dirty water for drinking, cooking, bathing and cleaning. My siblings and I suffer from sore stomachs and skin rashes. Sometimes we are so sick that we have to stay at home and miss school.
I fear the walk back home through the bushes. Some of my friends have been bitten by snakes along the path. I am terrified that I will get bitten one day.”
Many children in Grace’s community suffer from water-borne illnesses linked to the stream, such as diarrhea and typhoid. The journey along the bushy path is dangerous. As well as snake bites, there have also been reports of young girls, being abused and raped. Grace is scared for her safety, but without access to a clean, safe water source, she has no choice but to repeat the same, daily routine tomorrow.
You can change the story
We urgently need your help to ensure that children like Grace are safe, healthy, and free to go to school. Will you partner with us to bring access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene training to transform a community in Uganda? Together, we can bring hope to families like Grace’s.
Clean water changes everything.
Not only can you bring life-saving water to hundreds of people like Grace, but your support can create meaningful, sustainable change and give hope and health for the long-term. Our experience shows that the most effective approach alongside drilling the borehole well, is to also provide:
- water, sanitation and hygiene training
- water user committee and handpump mechanic training
- bibles
- environmental protection
- Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs).
Maisha is committed to establishing and training a VSLA group in every community where it drills a borehole. These small, member-run microfinancing groups enable those living in poverty to build savings and take out loans at low interest rates. They also create opportunities for families to generate income to feed their families and send their children to school.
Why Water?
Reduce the number of water-related illnesses and deaths
Reduce the risk of attack on young girls who fetch water alone
Decrease the number of hours spent collecting water, allowing children to attend school